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A Blog aboutĀ Creating aĀ Business & LifeĀ you Love

Speed up to Slow Down and other Goal Setting Strategies business coaching website design Jan 11, 2024

I read a book last week that has changed my approach to the new year.

We are far enough into January now to slow our roll on DREAMING BIG and SETTING GOALS. We are in the trenches now, mud on our...

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5 Ways to Make Progress on your Business while Resting & Enjoying the Holidays business coaching holidays Dec 07, 2023

One of resistance’s all time hits is the thought:

“I can’t do this until after the holidays.”

It’s such a believable and reasonable sounding thought. It’s laced...

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Welcoming Grown Children Home for the Holidays coaching design holidays parenting Nov 27, 2023

No one will be sitting on Santa's lap this year and they probably won't want to make crafts, decorate cookies, or read Christmas picture books. They aren't yet married with their own families. So...

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Showing up Instead of Scrolling Up business coaching design Nov 08, 2023

We want to show up. We were made for it. We have been given gifts, skills, experiences, wisdom, and passions. But so often, we doubt that we have what it takes to really contribute. Oh, we will...

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Being Bright Green in a Dull Landscape - Daring to offer your gifts to a world that needs your light coaching garden Feb 01, 2023
Bright green in the dull landscape - God did that. Why? Why did he make some plants different? Why do they flourish and shine in a different way, at a different time, unlike every other plant in...
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The Power of a 90-Day Goal coaching Jan 30, 2023

A year is too long. We underestimate the progress that can be made in 3 months when we focus on one goal and take steps to achieve it each day with our thoughts and actions. This is why my coaching...

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Who before How business coaching homeschooling Jan 27, 2023
What are you thinking about that you feel ill-equipped to even start? That idea - the one where you use your gifts to serve others in a way that feels exciting and creative to you? The one that...
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Motherhood in Midlife business coaching Nov 09, 2022

My favorite role in the whole world has been motherhood. I LOVED staying home with my kids and homeschooling them. It ticked all the boxes for me of purpose, creativity, passion, love, commitment...

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