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A Blog aboutĀ Creating aĀ Business & LifeĀ you Love

Welcoming Grown Children Home for the Holidays coaching design holidays parenting Nov 27, 2023

No one will be sitting on Santa's lap this year and they probably won't want to make crafts, decorate cookies, or read Christmas picture books. They aren't yet married with their own families. So...

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Showing up Instead of Scrolling Up business coaching design Nov 08, 2023

We want to show up. We were made for it. We have been given gifts, skills, experiences, wisdom, and passions. But so often, we doubt that we have what it takes to really contribute. Oh, we will...

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Preparing your Heart and Home for the Holidays coaching design holidays Nov 03, 2022

It's November and the holiday season is here - in social media, TV, stores and all the ads.

What are your first feelings when you think about the holidays coming? Don’t filter - just...

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Freshening up Our Schoolroom / Studio/ Office color design Nov 11, 2019

Have you ever looked back on a particularly disruptive, stressful time in your life and realized that it actually brought some needed progress because of the energy it required of you? When I look...

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