5 Ways to Make Progress on your Business while Resting & Enjoying the Holidays
Dec 07, 2023
One of resistance’s all time hits is the thought:
“I can’t do this until after the holidays.”
It’s such a believable and reasonable sounding thought. It’s laced with admirable values like honoring family time, focused worship, service to others, community involvement, peace and calm. All good goals worthy of our attention.
Striving during the holidays does not sound life-giving or wise.
However, a simple shift in thinking could be in order.
What if it’s not all or nothing?
What if working on your calling, business or project isn’t an act of busyness or distraction? What if making time to cultivate your big ideas is honoring YOU, heeding God’s call, resting, worshiping, creating truth, goodness and beauty in service to others? What if nurturing that idea in small ways throughout the holidays actually helped you show up as your true self in all you are doing to celebrate the season?
We do not need to completely table our business plans or project ideas until “after the holidays”. Here are a few ways to make leisurely progress…
- Identify with your Calling - Remember who you are and what you are creating with your business. I think that too often my thought was, “I’m just a mom taking care of my family and in January I’m going to try to be a person who builds a business.” NO! You ARE the woman who is building a business who is, right now, enjoying the holidays and her family. Talk about it. Own it.
- Receive Ideas and Inspiration - Decide each day that, while doing holiday activities, you are going to also get ideas and inspiration for your business. You find what you are looking for and if you tell your brain to look for clues, it will find them for you! Write them down! Take pictures!
- Pinterest - the ultimate chill activity - easy to do while watching Christmas movies, football games, or just hanging out with family. Create a business account if you don’t have one. With your mind on your ideal customer and ways you serve them, start pinning, creating boards on different themes. Some might inspire your business growth - you can make these boards private if you want. Some will be relatable to your ideal client. Create boards that represent the content you will share related to your business services and offers. Pinterest is a great way to find new customers, so taking time to set it up is important progress towards your business goals.
- Hire someone to work on your business assets so they are ready to go in January! Need branding? A website? Get the ball rolling so these tools are in place when you are ready to focus on growing your business. If you can set aside a few hours now, this can be done for you by January.
- Clarify your mission and strategy now so you can hit the ground running in January. This can be as simple as booking ONE coaching session to make decisions and a plan OR book a Strategy Sessions package that begins in January so you know you’ll take action right away and not waste all of January trying to remember what you were going to create.
Pick one or more of these ideas and see what you can create while also fully savoring the holidays. As always, I'm cheering you on and would love to help. Find out more about my Business Coaching HERE - or just click the button below.
I've also started a new Instagram account focused on Business Coaching @jillpulvercoaching