A life-giving workshop with Jill Pulver

Gather your Girlfriends!

Gather your girlfriends (or your family) for a special opportunity to discover JOY through color. In this 2 part workshop, certified color strategist, Jill Pulver will help you understand how to see color and use it to create a home atmosphere that both comforts and inspires. 

Join the Waitlist HERE
JOY in life is found only in the present moment - when we slow down, open our eyes and really see the beauty around us - in a child's face, in a flower, or in a work of art. This workshop is your invitation to joy...



  • 2 live teaching sessions with Jill 
  • A course kit filled with goodies mailed to you in time for the workshop
  • A great opportunity to gather with girlfriends, spend time with family, OR take time for a personal retreat while you engage in this creative experience.

Sessions are delivered online. There will be a fun assignment between sessions.

Coming again soon!

By the end of this workshop you'll have gained:

1) An ability to notice color everywhere and identify hue, value and chroma. 

2) An understanding of how to select color for your home without getting confused by all the "undertones" and "direction" nonsense found online.

3) Your own palette of favorite colors and the ability to add what's needed to make your home (and garden) feel more beautiful. 

4) A keepsake kit with your completed workbook, your own color wheel, and inspiring images to guide your design efforts.

5) The refreshment that comes from taking time for your own creativity, rest, and inspiration while spending time with encouraging girlfriends.

Sign up for the next workshop HERE!

Session 1: Understanding color and waking up to color in your world

In session 1 of the Workshop, you'll learn about color with the color wheel in your class kit. Jill will teach you about the 3 dimensions of color - Hue, Value, and Chroma. You'll learn to recognize color families in the world around you and identify which ones you LOVE. You'll see the world differently and you'll understand what you're seeing. The gift of this session is the inspiration to slow down, to notice, wonder and ponder and to experience JOY in the beauty that is always around us.

Mini Field Trip: Discovering Color in your World

In between sessions, you'll have a chance to explore your world - from your wardrobe to your home furnishings, art, nature, shops, your local grocery store - wherever you want to see anew the colors in your life.

Session 2: Creating a Home (and Garden) you Love

In session 2 of the workshop, we take what you've learned about color and what you've discovered about what brings you joy and we apply that knowledge to creating rooms in your home that reflect what you value; spaces that support, comfort, and inspire you and your family. You'll have the tools to create a space that's 100% you. I've recently updated the course to include garden design so you can plan your outdoor spaces with your new color expertise.

Hi, I'm Jill.

I'm a Designer and a Life Coach helping you design the home and life of your dreams, one creative decision at a time.

I believe that YOU are an artist in the way you create your life and use your gifts to serve the world. I love to help women tap into what they love so they can create the life and atmosphere that supports and inspires them. It all starts with JOY. 

If you're ready to savor the little things, to notice beauty all around you and to get creative with like-minded women, I'd absolutely LOVE for you to join me!!

Be first to hear about the next workshop

See what participants are saying about the workshop...


"My daughter and I loved this workshop. The information was easy to understand, inspiring and useful. Our eyes have truly been awakened to color. I am already dreaming of creating a master bedroom that is restful and romantic. Thank you for your expertise and encouragement to embrace the colors and textures that I love."


"Your sessions were great! I am looking at my home so differently right now. Inspired to make changes while appreciating what I have already created. I now see why I love the choices we have made. The textures. The warmth. The flow. I hope to stay connected so that you can continue to help me grow my creative instincts. The pacing. Gifts. Price. Timing. All perfect."


"The Awaken to Color workshop was such a gift of inspiration to me and my family! We explored nature together and discovered the specific shades of color found in nature by using the color-wheel that arrived in each one of our special Awaken to Color boxes. Not only did our boxes contain a beautiful color-wheel but it also included a workbook, delicious goodies, and an inspiring way to use the box as a keepsake!
Jill’s way of teaching brings color to life in so many ways and is so inspiring! If you are looking for a memorable workshop to attend, you definitely want to attend Awaken to Color with Jill Pulver!"


"I loved this! Thank you so much! I especially liked...

*so many examples
*accessible and layman style terms and understanding
*starting with just color principles and then moving into design in the second session
*seeing used, outdated, broken, or less ideal items and spaces made beautiful.....such a breath of fresh air
*getting the box in the mail was so inspiring and built anticipation for the event and really made it feel special
*I loved the chance to ask questions and listen to the other women. It's great to feel like a secret club of people who are exploring!"
Join the Waitlist